Monday, October 4, 2010


Todays KOMIK INTERBYU, we will now feature indie komiks writer MAIKA EZAWA! 

When did you started making komiks?
I really can't say when. I've been writing stories before. Mark 9:47 is my first story made into komiks. So I guess since the birth of Mark I've making comics, that's probably around 2007 :D

Who/What were your inspirations in making one?
It all started with manga. I continue to get inspirations from komiks and manga, also in movies. Sometimes just things that occur with me or someone I know impacts my stories.

Do you make scribbles while in class?
At times, when I don't have someone to talk to. It's either that or fall asleep.

What creation is the one you are most proud of?
Mark 9:47. It is a challenge writing this one. It is something out of my comfort zone. But I enjoyed writing and I'm proud of it. Besides, I like Visdei.

Do you feel possessed by your own creations?
Possessed? Haha! I can be absorbed at times with my works.

If one of your characters will be made into a live action series, who is it and who will play the role?
It's definitely Visdei. Portrayed by Hugh Jackman.

Where you want to see your comics 5 years from now?
Wish I can see it publish and spread throughout the country. I think anyone would like to see their work like that in 5 years.

Any plans to publish your work in another language other than Filipino or English?
Not really thinking about it right now. I wouldn't mind if someone would offer that, including shouldering the expenses. ahaha!

Are you willing to cosplay one of your characters? 
Why not? Tepai's character designs are awesome.

Did you fell in love with one of your works?
I love my works. It's the playground of my imagination.

for more about  Mark 9 verse 47 (together with Tepai Pascual)
you may visit MEGANON COMICS
Mark 9 verse 47 is available on November Komikon 2010.

below : Mark 9 verse 47

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